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Jiffy Products

Jiffy Inpimera pattern
jiffy botanian inpimera
Jiffy hydroponic coir pellets inpimera
PT INTI PRIMA MERAKI (Inpimera) provides a variety of product solutions for your urban farming, greenhouse, hydroponic farming needs. With high-quality Jiffy products, the harvest will be better and more efficient. Jiffy products use only natural ingredients found in nature and do not harm the environment and the health of the plants. All of our products are supported by the Jiffy Group which has been used in many other countries.
Botanian home gardening coir pellets inpimera
Pot biodegradable jiffy inpimera
Media tanam hydroponic hidroponik jiffy inpimera
Jiffy 7C Hydroponic

It helps the process of seeding hydroponic vegetable plants so that it is faster, saves time, and the plants will absorb fertilizer nutrients better. Replaces the use of netpot and also rockwool. Jiffy 7 C is easy to stock and used in hydroponic systems.

Jiffy QSM

Jiffy QSM products are ready to used natural soil mixed that is easy to store and use for any home gardening activities. Just need to add water to use them and suitable for farming activities in a house or apartment. Great for growing chilies, herbs, and other crops. Plants can grow maximally and are easy to use for home gardening activities,

Jiffy 7C Coir Pellet

Jiffy Coir pellet products replace the use of plastic and planting media for plant nurseries. The seeds are immediately placed in the pellets and are ready to be moved into pots or planted directly into the soil. The roots will immediately surround the pellet and eventually to the soil.


Inpimera also provides consulting services for urban farming and modern agriculture for the future. we can provide input as well as future trends for the world of agriculture that is more effective, efficient and good for the environment. As well as reducing costs and increasing the quality of harvested crops.


Jiffy Professional

Berikut dibawah ini adalah cerita sukses pertanian modern yang menggunakan produk Jiffy Professional Product

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